Feel the difference
Welcome to the Muselgym
Our Muselgym is the right place for you.
Unique location
The Muselgym is spread over 3 levels: from the rustic wine cellar to a beautiful conservatory and the 1930s winegrower’s ballroom. The listed winegrower’s house in Wormeldange combines exclusive training equipment with a cozy atmosphere.
No matter what shape you’re in and how high you want to go: the Muselgym concept always sees you and your goals as a whole. Because only those who are fit when it comes to nutrition can also make great leaps during training. With a good dose of fun, every lesson becomes an experience. Get started now and get to know the effective personal training concept.
Everything for your success
In a single measurement process, SCANECA creates a detailed virtual copy of your body, carries out a posture analysis, determines the most important health-relevant parameters and measures body circumferences.
With the fascinating 3D avatar, you can see your body from all sides.
Every person is unique. SCANECA provides an objective view of the entire body and helps to define individual training and therapy goals.
With SCANECA you can recognize posture problems at first glance. The load distribution of the feet and the most important distances and angles are determined automatically.
With the clear visualization, everyone can understand the analysis of a trainer or therapist and implement the therapy more successfully.
SCANECA determines important body values such as weight, body fat percentage, BMI, fat-free mass index and basal metabolic rate. Visceral fat is analyzed by determining the waist-to-hip and waist-to-height ratios.
Holdstrong’s state-of-the-art training area Holdstrong’s state-of-the-art training facility combines the benefits of versatility, efficiency and fun to provide fitness enthusiasts and sports fans with a revolutionary training platform. This gym opens up optimal conditions for anyone training, especially aspiring top athletes, to improve their performance and prepare for elite sport. The aim was to create an environment to promote the physical and mental strength of athletes and provide them with the best conditions for a successful sports career.
HYROX is a global fitness race for everyone. Participants from all over the world compete in exactly the same race. HYROX consists of a mixture of eight 1km runs alternating with eight different workouts.
At the Muselgym you can optimally prepare for your competition with a certified trainer and specific Hyrox training sessions are carried out regularly.
HYROX is the ultimate workout for functional fitness. Building on the foundations of HYROX running, it offers accessible performance training for every body.
With over 500,000 athletes and 3,000 TRAININGSCLUBS, HYROX has gained tremendous recognition and established itself as the World Series of Fitness Racing, with the potential to become the biggest player in functional fitness.
A HYROX TRAINING CLUB is a third space for HYROX athletes where like-minded and committed people come together to form a family and work towards common goals.
In my third Hyrox competition in Amsterdam in fall 2024, I qualified for the World Championships in Chicago in June 2025.
You know exactly how important flexibility and mobility are for your health and well-being. And that’s exactly why you’ve come to the right place!
With a focus on mobility and flexibility, GYMwood offers an effective way to loosen your fascia and stretch your muscles.
Our GYMwood stretching machines represent a fusion of proven expertise. They offer a unique, active muscle length training that puts conventional stretching in the shade. The revolutionary combination of targeted stretching and simultaneous strength loading stimulates the muscles to learn new movement patterns and regain their natural length.
During training, your muscle is damaged and metabolic waste products accumulate there. During the regeneration phase, your body removes these substances bit by bit.
By massaging with reboots, you can accelerate the removal and thus your regeneration. The results:
The effect of reboots has been scientifically confirmed:
The latest study with Innowearable was able to scientifically prove that the use of reboots significantly improves neuromuscular recovery after intensive training sessions.
Due to the crucial role that the neuromuscular system plays in the coordination and resilience of our muscles, it can be concluded that a 45-minute compression massage causes athletes to return to a training-ready state more quickly.
In the Muselgym, the reboots are available to every member free of charge.
SUP boards for the Moselle can be used free of charge by all Muselgym members. While stocks last.
All areas are unique in Luxembourg.
The trainer
My name is David Steffes. I was born an athlete in 1984: my parents were successful runners, so I was partly born with the talent.
I gained my first experience in the swimming club at an early age and started my soccer career at the age of 9. In between, I gained my first experience as a triathlete before focusing completely on running at the age of 15.
During my school year abroad in Colorado/USA in 2001, I came into contact with strength training in a gym for the first time and have been a hybrid athlete ever since.
I understood the importance of strength AND endurance training paired with flexibility training and it has been with me since that day.
In the meantime, I devoted myself to football again, but my running shoes were always at hand and I trained constantly in a gym.
I am now an ambitious Hyrox athlete and performance coach. In 2018 I finally set up my own business as a personal fitness trainer and nutritionist with the focus on training people where they need me.
My rolling gym was the first mobile fitness studio in Europe. Seven years later, I am now proudly opening my first gym at a permanent location. And there are more to come. The Muselgym is the first result of my many years of experience.
„Der mobile Personal – und Fitnesstrainer David Steffes hat mir durch seine gezielten und effektiven Übungen eine nicht geglaubte Fitness für mein recht hohes Alter gegeben.
Seine Übungen sind gezielt, abwechslungsreich, unkompliziert und trotzdem konstruktiv. Ich habe eine viel größere Beweglichkeit gewonnen und dabei noch Gewicht verloren. Dazu kommt, das meine Ausdauer sich stark verbessert hat.
Es macht ungeheuren Spaß, ihn bei seinen lockeren und spaßigen Korrekturen zu erleben.“
Erwin Esly (82)
„I have been training with David “à domicile” since 2019. The routine has always been adapted to my level of fitness and varied from time to time.
I have found the training very helpful in encouraging me to maintain a reasonable level of fitness for my age (70 years). David has always been flexible in facilitating my travel schedule. An excellent professional!“
Michael (71)
“Dank Davids Coaching hab ich gelernt, meinen Fähigkeiten zu vertrauen und bis an meine Grenzen zu gehen (da, wo sie wirklich sind) und sie auch noch weiter hinausgeschoben. Wodurch eine ganze Menge an persönlichen Bestleistungen zustande gekommen sind.”
„David hat mich über mehrere Wochen gecoacht und ich kann ihn nur als außergewöhnlichen Fitnesscoach weiterempfehlen. Ich bin 14 Jahre alt und spiele Fussball. Ich hatte das Vergnügen über 5 Wochen mit ihm Outdoor zu trainieren und kann mit Überzeugung sagen, dass David durchweg beeindruckende Ergebnisse erzielt hat. Besonders in den Bereichen der Schnellkraft, der Koordination, der Explosivität und der Technik habe ich mich in diesem Zeitraum merklich verbessert.
David hat die Fähigkeit, individuelle Bedürfnisse und Ziele zu erkennen und darauf abgestimmte Trainingspläne zu erstellen.
Ein besonderes Merkmal ist seine positive und motivierende Art. David schafft es, die Trainingssessions abwechslungsreich, herausfordernd und gleichzeitig äußerst angenehm zu gestalten.
Zusammenfassend kann ich David uneingeschränkt empfehlen. Er ist ein außergewöhnlicher Fitnesscoach, der durch Fachwissen, Motivation und einfühlsames Coaching hervorsticht. Ich bin David sehr dankbar da seine Trainingssessions meine athletischen Fähigkeiten, meine Motivation und mein Selbstwertgefühl gesteigert haben.“
Ben (14)
“Mam David hun ech net just den beschten Trainer, mee och e richteg gudde Frend dozou kritt. Schon 7 Joer traineiert hien mech 3 mol an der Woch: Ausdauer, Kraaft, Mobility a Koordination sin emmer e Bestanddeel vum Training.
Dank dem David kann ech och am zarten Alter vun 89 Joer mengen Hobbien nogoen: Reiden, Ski an Harley fueren.”
Lucien (89)
”Being a great athlete himself, David is an exceptional trainer who has deep sports knowledge. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete, he’ll motivate you to reach your fitness goals.
His personal experience and positive attitude make training sessions enjoyable, and I’m confident he’s helping me reach my Hyrox goals.”
Kelly (34)
1.788 € / Year
Single yearly payment (149 € per month)
Contract term: 12 months, taxes included
159 € / per month
12 payments á 159 € (1.908 € per year)
Contract term: 12 months, taxes included
888 €
Prices per person. Group training with 2 people in the Muselgym, 10 sessions, free choice of dates.
Contract term: 12 months, taxes included
777 €
Prices per person. Group training with 3 people in the Muselgym, 10 units, free choice of dates.
Contract term: 12 months, taxes included
666 €
Prices per person. Group training with 4 people in the Muselgym, 10 units, free choice of dates.
Contract term: 12 months, taxes included
555 €
Prices per person. Group training with 5 people in the Muselgym, 10 units, free choice of dates.
Contract term: 12 months, taxes included
999 €
This package includes 10 sessions of personal training at the Muselgym.
Contract term: 12 months, taxes included
4.444 €
This package includes 50 sessions of personal training at the Muselgym.
Contract term: 12 months, taxes included
5.999 €
This package includes 75 sessions of personal training at the Muselgym.
Contract term: 12 months, taxes included
7.444 €
This package includes 100 sessions of personal training at the Muselgym.
Contract term: 12 months, taxes included
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The fitness studio for everyone on the Moselle.
Individual fitness training tailored to you.
The gym in Luxembourg for EVERYONE. The best training conditions directly on the Moselle.
© 2025 Muselgym